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Marele Urias Priete S 88 Rar Ebook Full Edition [pdf] Utorrent


Introduction Marele Urias is a theosophical novel that was written in 1888 by Ruggero    Davanzati. The book's protagonist, Serafino Malerba, is a man who is too proud and independent to submit  to his father's will of marrying off his daughter. He has a daughter named Carmina and she falls in love with her tutor Fabiano Marele. Fabiano falls deeply in love with Carmina, but it's difficult because he can't marry her without violating his oath of celibacy. He is a priest and he has taken the oath of celibacy. He was compelled to do this by his father Urias, who wanted Fabiano to take up priesthood in order to become more successful in life. Urias had urged Fabiano's mother into marrying him for this very reason. His mother had died at childbirth of Fabiano. Introduction Marele begins with the author expressing his views about the purpose of fiction, he thinks that fiction writers are too serious with their writings and therefore fail to appreciate some aspects of life. The writer says that life should be enjoyed while it exists, because nobody knows when it will end at any moment. He then goes on to say that there is no greater pleasure than to love and be loved. He also stresses that two people should not share the pleasures of love and sex, and it should only be done by the man and woman together. Introduction:  The Author Ruggero Davanzati was born on May 19, 1856 in Bologna. His father was a lawyer and his mother a housewife who didn't have much education. He had three siblings - two sisters named Maria Luisa, Maddalena, Fabiola Giovanna - who were strong believers in God, but he wasn't one of them. He expressed his beliefs in God when he was only 9 years old, when he felt divinely inspired to write his first poem called "The Prophecy of Jesus Christ". From this point on, Davanzati became a serious writer. In 1878 Ruggero was sent to the University of Bologna to study law. It was also during this time that he attended the Theosophical Society meetings and became acquainted with some of the members of the society, including Don Giovanni Izetti. In 1872 Davanzati met a young man named Enrico Bottari who was a member of a secret society called The Accademia del Terzo Mondo, which is translated into 'the third world' or 'the third class'.  This group was founded in 1883 by Bottari, Bernardo Lussana, and Giovanni Rizzoni. The purpose of this group was to rebel against the church in order to free Italy from papal domination.   Davanzati left the academy when he was just sixteen years old because his father banned him from seeing the members of this secret society.  The reason behind this is that his father didn't want his son to have any ties with any anarchists. However, Davanzati continued with these rebellious ideas until he became a member of another society. cfa1e77820


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